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Making a Strategic Decision about Your Kubernetes Ingress Traffic

Choosing a Kubernetes Ingress Strategy Do you have services running in Kubernetes? Or planning to? You’d be looking for a Kubernetes gateway that allows you to manage traffic to Kubernetes-hosted…

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How to Migrate from Kubernetes Ingress to the Gateway API

The Evolution of Kubernetes Gateway API, Istio, and Ingress With the release of Istio 1.22, the Istio API has officially been upgraded to version v1, coinciding with the update of…

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Celebrating the Envoy Gateway 1.1 Release

Announcing Envoy Gateway 1.1 We are thrilled to announce the release of Envoy Gateway 1.1!  This milestone wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and contributions of the Envoy Gateway…

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Envoy Gateway 1.1 Feature Highlights

What’s New in Envoy Gateway 1.1 Want to chat with Erica about the new features in EG 1.1? Join our live webinar or watch on demand › What has really…

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Seamless Cross-Cluster Connectivity for Multicluster Istio Service Mesh Deployments

Introduction As enterprise information systems increasingly adopt microservices architecture, how to achieve efficient and secure cross-cluster access to services in a multicluster environment has become a crucial challenge. Istio, as…

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Application Security with Sidecars, Sidecarless, and eBPF: New NIST Standard SP 800-233

TL;DR: NIST has just released new draft guidelines for public comment. The guidelines evaluate the security implications of alternate service mesh proxy models like Istio’s ambient mode, Cilium’s eBPF, and…

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Creating Strong Sticky Sessions with Istio

Sticky HTTP sessions enable stateful interactions between a client and a server when, for example, there’s a login or a shopping cart that needs to be kept across requests for…

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Migrating from ingress-nginx to Envoy Gateway

A Better Way? The ingress controller is a critical part of any Kubernetes cluster. It’s probably the first thing you installed in your first cluster, but it’s also the first…

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Best Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

The best ingress controller for Kubernetes is not an Ingress controller, as the Gateway API now supersedes the Ingress API. Hence, “the best ingress controller” is a Kubernetes Gateway API…

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