The Kubernetes Gateway API—the next generation of Kubernetes ingress—is a more expressive and extensible alternative to the traditional Ingress API. One of the advantages offered by the Gateway API is an explicit extension mechanism called Policy Attachment which, in contrast to the Ingress API, allows controllers to offer extended capabilities through custom policies without modifying the Gateway API itself.
Envoy Gateway—one of the implementations to take advantage of this extension mechanism to provide extended API gateway capabilities—is an ingress gateway built on Envoy that uses the Gateway API as its configuration language, fully compatible with the latest Gateway API version, and supports resources like Gateway, HTTPRoute, GRPCRoute, TLSRoute, TCPRoute, and UDPRoute. Envoy Gateway is designed to provide a streamlined, user-friendly experience for managing Envoy as an API Gateway.
Tetrate offers an enterprise-ready, 100% upstream distribution of Envoy Gateway, Tetrate Enterprise Gateway for Envoy (TEG). TEG is the easiest way to get started with Envoy for production use cases. Get access now ›
Envoy Gateway leverages the Gateway API’s extension mechanisms to offer a rich set of additional features, including rate limiting, access control, WebAssembly extensions, and more, extending beyond the capabilities of the standard Gateway API.
In this article, the first of a multi-part series, we’ll dive into these Envoy Gateway extensions and explore the additional capabilities they have on offer for Kubernetes applications. In this and subsequent articles, we’ll cover:
- The advantages of Kubernetes Gateway API extensions over Ingress API alternatives
- How the Policy Attachment mechanism works in Envoy Gateway
- How to manage traffic between Envoy and backends using BackendTrafficPolicy
- How to provide access control for requests using SecurityPolicy
- How to develop custom extensions for Envoy Gateway using EnvoyExtensionPolicy
Kubernetes Ingress and Its Limitations
Ingress⁴ is a Kubernetes API resource used to define rules for managing inbound traffic to a cluster. While the Ingress API provides users with basic capabilities for defining HTTP routing rules, its functionality is quite limited, providing only fundamental features such as Host-based routing, Path-based routing, and TLS termination .
In practice, the basic functionality of the Ingress API often falls short of meeting the complex traffic management requirements of modern applications. As a result, various Ingress Controller implementations have extended the Ingress API using non-standard methods like annotations or custom API resources.
For example, a common requirement is to match request paths using regular expressions. However, the Ingress API only supports Prefix and Exact path matching, which is insufficient to meet this need.To address this relatively simple requirement, some Ingress Controllers have introduced annotations to support regex path matching. For example, the NGINX Ingress Controller provides the nginx.org/path-regex
annotation for this purpose.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: cafe-ingress
nginx.org/path-regex: "case_sensitive"
- http:
- path: "/tea/[A-Z0-9]+"
serviceName: tea-svc
servicePort: 80
- path: "/coffee/[A-Z0-9]+"
serviceName: coffee-svc
servicePort: 80
Other controllers, like Traefik, take a different approach, using custom resources like IngressRoute
to achieve the same result.
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
name: cafe-ingress
namespace: default
- match: "PathPrefix(`^/tea/[A-Z0-9]+`)"
kind: Rule
- name: tea-svc
port: 80
- match: "PathRegexp(`^/coffee/[A-Z0-9]+`)"
kind: Rule
- name: coffee-svc
port: 80
Whether it’s through annotations or custom API resources, these non-standard extensions hurt the portability of the Ingress API. Users have to relearn and reconfigure different API setups when switching between Ingress Controllers . This fragmentation makes things more complicated and slows down community progress, making it tougher for the Kubernetes ecosystem to maintain and evolve the API.
Gateway API: the Next-Generation Ingress API
To address the limitations of the Ingress API, the Kubernetes community introduced the next generation of Ingress API, known as the Gateway API. This new API specification aims to provide a unified, scalable, and feature-rich way to define rules for managing inbound traffic to a cluster.
Compared to the Ingress API, the Gateway API offers a lot more functionality. It defines multiple resource types, including Gateway, HTTPRoute, GRPCRoute, TLSRoute, TCPRoute, and UDPRoute. It also gives you more configuration options for traffic routing, such as Path matching, Header matching, Host matching, TLS configuration, traffic splitting, request redirection, and more. Many features that previously required annotations or custom API resources can now be handled directly through the Gateway API.
For example, here’s a Gateway API resource that defines an HTTPRoute, implementing the regular expression-based path matching from the earlier example.
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: HTTPRoute
name: cafe-httproute
- name: eg
- matches:
- path:
type: RegularExpression
value: "^/tea/[A-Z0-9]+"
- name: tea-svc
port: 80
- matches:
- path:
type: RegularExpression
value: "^/coffee/[A-Z0-9]+"
- name: coffee-svc
port: 80
Although the Gateway API offers more functionality than Ingress, it’s important to remember that any standard, no matter how well-defined, can only serve as the lowest common denominator across all implementations . The Gateway API is no exception. Because the Gateway API is designed as a universal API specification to ensure wide compatibility, it cannot directly support features that are closely linked to specific implementation details.
For instance, although features like rate limiting and access control are essential in real-world scenarios, they are implemented differently across data planes like Envoy and NGINX. Because of these differences, the Gateway API cannot offer a universal standard for such functionalities. This is also why the Ingress API saw a proliferation of annotations and custom API resources to fill those gaps.
A key innovation of the Gateway API is the Policy Attachment⁵ mechanism, which allows controllers to extend the API’s capabilities through custom policies without modifying the Gateway API itself. By associating custom policies with resources like Gateway and HTTPRoute, this feature enhances the API’s flexibility and enables advanced traffic management, security, and custom extensions.
In addition to Policy Attachment, the Gateway API also supports other extension mechanisms, such as linking custom Backend resources to HTTPRoute and GRPCRoute for routing traffic to non-standard backends, as well as adding custom Filter resources for handling requests and responses.
With these built-in extension mechanisms, the Gateway API strikes a balance between keeping core resources like Gateway and HTTPRoute general enough for broad compatibility, while also providing a standardized way for different controllers to extend functionality. This allows different Ingress Controller implementations to build on the Gateway API’s core resources and offer enhanced features through custom policies, backends, and filters.

Envoy Gateway’s Gateway API Extensions
Envoy is a powerful cloud-native proxy widely used in service mesh, API gateway, and edge proxy scenarios, offering advanced traffic management capabilities and flexible configuration options. However, configuring Envoy as an Ingress Gateway can be challenging, often requiring users to write hundreds or even thousands of lines of configuration—on top of the complexity of deploying and managing the Envoy instances themselves.
To make configuring and managing Envoy easier, the Envoy community introduced the Envoy Gateway project. Envoy Gateway is an Ingress Gateway built on Envoy, designed to provide a streamlined, user-friendly experience for managing Envoy as an API Gateway. It uses the Gateway API as its configuration language, fully compatible with the latest Gateway API version, and supports resources like Gateway, HTTPRoute, GRPCRoute, TLSRoute, TCPRoute, and UDPRoute.
Moreover, Envoy Gateway leverages the Gateway API’s extension mechanisms to offer a rich set of additional features, including rate limiting, access control, WebAssembly extensions, and more, extending beyond the capabilities of the standard Gateway API.
Envoy Gateway introduces the following custom resources:
- Policy Attachment: Includes ClientTrafficPolicy, BackendTrafficPolicy, SecurityPolicy, EnvoyExtensionPolicy, and EnvoyPatchPolicy. These policies can be attached to API Gateway resources like Gateway, HTTPRoute, and GRPCRoute to provide advanced traffic management, security, and custom extension capabilities.
- Custom HTTPRoute Filter: Supports URL rewriting, direct response, and other advanced request and response processing features at the HTTPRoute rule level.
- Custom Backend: The Backend can be used within HTTPRoute and GRPCRoute rules to route traffic to non-kubernetes backends, such as IP addresses, hostnames, or UDS addresses.
The relationship between these custom resources and the standard resources of the Gateway API is illustrated in the diagram below:

This article will focus on the custom policy resources provided by Envoy Gateway, as HTTPRoute Filters and Custom Backends are relatively straightforward and self-explanatory.
Next, let’s take a closer look at Envoy Gateway’s Gateway API extension features and explore their use cases.
Policy Attachment Mechanism
Policy Attachment⁵ is an extension mechanism provided by the Gateway API, allowing a policy to be attached to resources like GatewayClass, Gateway, HTTPRoute, GRPCRoute, and Service to provide additional capabilities. Envoy Gateway leverages the Policy Attachment mechanism to implement various policies, exposing Envoy’s powerful traffic management capabilities at the Gateway level.
A policy can be attached to different levels in the Gateway API resource hierarchy, and multiple policies can be attached to the same resource. The scope and priority of Policy Attachment in Envoy Gateway are defined as follows:
- A policy attached to a parent resource applies to all of its child resources.
- A policy attached to a Gateway applies to all Listeners within that Gateway. (e.g., ClientTrafficPolicy)
- A policy attached to a Gateway applies to all HTTPRoute and GRPCRoute resources under that Gateway. (e.g., BackendTrafficPolicy, SecurityPolicy, EnvoyExtensionPolicy)
- If policies of the same type are attached to both a parent and child resource, the policy on the child resource takes precedence.
- If both a Gateway and a Listener have the same type of policy attached, the policy on the Listener takes effect. (e.g., ClientTrafficPolicy)
- If both a Gateway and an HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute have the same type of policy attached, the policy on the HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute takes precedence. (e.g., BackendTrafficPolicy, SecurityPolicy, EnvoyExtensionPolicy)
- If multiple policies of the same type are attached to a single resource, the policy with the earliest creation time takes priority and is applied.
ClientTrafficPolicy: Managing Traffic Between Clients and Envoy
ClientTrafficPolicy is a Policy Attachment resource in Envoy Gateway designed to configure traffic between the client and Envoy. The diagram below illustrates how ClientTrafficPolicy works:

As shown in the diagram, ClientTrafficPolicy is applied before Envoy processes request routing. This means ClientTrafficPolicy can only be applied to Gateway resources and cannot be used with HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute resources.
ClientTrafficPolicy provides the following configuration for the client-Envoy connection:
- TCP settings: TCP Keepalive, TCP Timeout, Connection Limit, Socket Buffer Size, and Connection Buffer Size.
- TLS settings: TLS Options (including TLS Version, Cipher Suites, ALPN), and whether to enable client certificate verification.
- HTTP settings: HTTP Request Timeout, HTTP Idle Timeout, and HTTP1/HTTP2/HTTP3-specific settings (e.g., HTTP2 stream window size).
- Other settings: support for Proxy Protocol and options for retrieving the client’s original IP address (via XFF Header or Proxy Protocol).
Below is an example of a ClientTrafficPolicy:

The client-traffic-policy-gateway
is a ClientTrafficPolicy resource attached to the eg Gateway resource. It configures traffic between the client and Envoy, setting various parameters including TCP Keepalive, Connection Buffer Size, HTTP Request Timeout, HTTP Idle Timeout, and how to obtain the client’s original IP address. Since the eg Gateway resource has two Listeners—http and https—this ClientTrafficPolicy will apply to both. Additionally, the client-traffic-policy-https-listener
is another ClientTrafficPolicy resource linked directly to the https
Listener (by specifying the sectionName field in its targetRef). It overrides the client-traffic-policy-gateway
configuration for the https
Listener, allowing specific TLS-related parameters to be applied.
BackendTrafficPolicy: Managing Traffic Between Envoy and Backends
BackendTrafficPolicy is similar to ClientTrafficPolicy but focuses on configuring traffic between Envoy and backend services. The diagram below illustrates how BackendTrafficPolicy works:

The BackendTrafficPolicy is applied during the request routing stage, allowing it to be used with both the Gateway and the HTTPRoute and GRPCRoute resources.
Note: When a BackendTrafficPolicy is applied to the Gateway, it will effectively impact all HTTPRoute and GRPCRoute resources associated with that Gateway.
BackendTrafficPolicy provides the following configuration options for managing traffic between Envoy and backend services:
- Global and local rate limiting: Envoy Gateway supports both global and local rate limiting. Global rate limiting applies a single rate limiting policy to all instances of a service, while local rate limiting applies a unique rate limiting policy to each instance.
- Load balancing: Envoy Gateway supports various load balancing algorithms, including Consistent Hashing, Least Request, Random, and Round Robin. It also supports Slow Start, which gradually introduces new backend service instances to the load balancing pool to avoid the new instance being overwhelmed by sudden traffic spikes.
- Circuit breaking: Envoy Gateway supports circuit breaking based on connection numbers, connection requests, maximum concurrent requests, and concurrent retries.
- TCP settings: TCP Keepalive, TCP Timeout, Socket Buffer Size, and Connection Buffer Size.
- HTTP settings: HTTP Request Timeout, HTTP Idle Timeout, and other HTTP-related configurations.
- Other settings: Whether to enable Proxy Protocol, use the same HTTP version as the client connection, etc.
Below is an example of BackendTrafficPolicy:

The backend-traffic-policy-http-route
is a BackendTrafficPolicy resource attached to an HTTPRoute named http-route
. It is used to configure traffic between Envoy and backend services. This BackendTrafficPolicy configures global rate limiting, load balancing strategies, and circuit breaker policies for the backend connections.
If you have ever configured rate limiting in Envoy or Istio, you know how complex it can be. You need to write a lot of configuration code to define the rate limiting policy, set up the rate limiting service, and configure the rate limiting filter in Envoy. The configuration is often scattered across multiple files, making it difficult to manage and maintain.
This is where BackendTrafficPolicy comes in. As shown in the example above, you can easily configure global rate limiting with just a few lines of YAML code, significantly reducing complexity for users. BackendTrafficPolicy abstracts the rate limiting configuration into a single resource, making it easier to manage and maintain.
SecurityPolicy: Access Control for Requests
SecurityPolicy is used for access control, including CORS policies, Basic Auth, OIDC/OAuth, JWT Authentication, IP-based access control, JWT Claims-based access control, and External Authentication, etc. The diagram below illustrates how SecurityPolicy works:

Please note that the diagram above is a conceptual representation; there isn’t a dedicated “Access Control” component within Envoy Gateway. Instead, Envoy Gateway leverages Envoy’s filter chain to apply SecurityPolicy configurations for controlling access to backend services.
SecurityPolicy provides the following access control configurations:
- CORS policy: Configures Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policies, including allowed origins, allowed headers, allowed methods, etc.
- Authentication: Supports various authentication methods, including JWT Token, OIDC, Basic Auth, etc.
- Authorization: Supports authorization based on the client’s original IP, JWT Token Claims, etc.
- ExtAuth: Supports forwarding requests to an external service for authentication.
Below is an example of SecurityPolicy:

The security-policy-http-route
is a SecurityPolicy resource attached to an HTTPRoute named http-route
, it is configured with OIDC authentication and IP-based access control.
By leveraging SecurityPolicy, you can offload the security policies enforcement—such as user authentication and access control—from your application code to Envoy Gateway, significantly simplifying your application code while greatly enhancing its security posture. Envoy Gateway offers out-of-the-box security policies that support various user authentication and authorization methods. Additionally, if you need to integrate with your legacy auth services, you can easily do so through ExtAuth.
Next Up: How to Make Your Own Custom Extensions to Envoy Gateway
In the next installment of this article series, we’ll introduce how to use EnvoyExtensionPolicy to create your own custom extensions to Envoy Gateway.
- KubeCon China talk: Gateway API and Beyond: Introducing Envoy Gateway’s Gateway API Extensions
- Envoy Gateway GitHub
- Kubernetes Gateway API
- Kubernetes Ingress API
- Policy Attachment
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Are you using Kubernetes? Tetrate Enterprise Gateway for Envoy (TEG) is the easiest way to get started with Envoy Gateway for production use cases. Get the power of Envoy Proxy in an easy-to-consume package managed by the Kubernetes Gateway API. Learn more ›
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