Were you there? Were you not? Don’t worry! You can catch up with the sessions by watching the YouTube playlist. The conference organizers have now made available the recordings for all the sessions.
Did you know that our very own Edo was there? If you want to learn more about WebAssembly and how a Wasm runtime is implemented, we invite you to take a look at Edoardo’s deep dive on the internals of the wazero runtime, one of the open source projects that Tetrate is proud to sponsor.
WebAssembly from the Inside out explains how Wasm compares to other bytecode VMs such as the JVM, and explains how a WebAssembly runtime is implemented, explaining how the wazero pure-Go runtime works. Edoardo also gives an overview of how Wasm can be useful for use cases beyond the browser (such as, of course, extending Envoy) and he points out related WebAssembly runtimes for Java developers.
Don’t miss it and watch it on YouTube or below. You can find Edoardo on X (formerly Twitter) and on Mastodon. And of course, you can always find the wazero development team in the #wazero channel of the Gophers Slack.