San Fransisco–(Business Wire)–Tetrate, the enterprise service mesh company, is proud to announce details of Service Mesh Day 2019, the inaugural industry conference dedicated to service mesh technology.
The two-day event will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco on March 28 and 29. Service Mesh Day 2019 is hosted by Tetrate and supported by Google, Juniper Networks, Capital One and open source foundations including Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Cloud Foundry, OpenStack and ONF. The conference will bring together open-source experts, cloud providers, customers and industry influencers to explore the use of service mesh technology in enterprise environments. The conference will explore issues such as managing microservices for any app, at any scale, decentralized security controls and the future evolution of service mesh technologies. Attendees will have a chance to network with users and creators in this space who are pioneering service mesh deployments first-hand and participate in conversations that will shape the direction of the industry.
“The necessity of such an event has never been greater as increasingly more organizations move to a microservices architecture but lack the experience and know-how to properly manage such systems,” said Tetrate CEO and Istio creator, Varun Talwar. “By bringing together the brightest minds in the service mesh and cloud-native industry, we are providing a first-of-its-kind opportunity for individuals and organizations to share expertise, best practices and learn from each other’s experiences.”
On March 29, Talwar, along with Lyft software engineer and Envoy creator Matt Klein, will co-host a full day of sessions on the future of service mesh and how service mesh can be adopted in production environments. Joining Talwar and Klein as keynote speakers will be Eric A. Brewer, VP infrastructure at Google and professor of computer science at UC Berkeley; and Larry Peterson, CTO, ONF. In addition, a variety of industry experts will be presenting to those in attendance, including Prajakta Joshi, senior product manager at Google Cloud; Louis Ryan, principal engineer at Google and core contributor to Istio and gRPC; Suresh Visvanathan, senior director at Yahoo, Verizon Media; Randy Bias, VP technology and strategy, cloud software at Juniper Networks; and Bernard Golden, VP cloud strategy at Capital One.
On March 28, attendees of the conference can take a deep dive into service mesh through workshops and hackathons. To view the full event schedule, please visit
Tickets for Service Mesh Day 2019 are now available and can be purchased at Diversity Scholarships (up to 30 Full Access Passes) are available for underrepresented minorities in technology, please apply at
About Tetrate
Tetrate is a leading enterprise-grade service mesh company founded by key creators and maintainers of the Istio and Envoy open source projects. The company’s service mesh platform makes it easy for DevOps, security, and network administrators to manage the complexity of modern hybrid cloud application infrastructure. Backed by Dell Technologies Capital, 8VC, Intel Capital, Samsung NEXT and Rain Capital, Tetrate is headquartered in San Francisco, CA. /.
Jake Schuster
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