Last year, we published our first analysis of the GitHub-derived contribution data published by CNCF for service mesh-related open source projects. We found it interesting enough to warrant a quarterly update, so here, three months on, is another snapshot of that data.
As Kubernetes Goes, So Goes the (Cloud Native) Nation
As last time, we’ve plotted project contributions over time against Kubernetes as a benchmark (Figure 1).
And, because the scale of Kubernetes contributions dwarfs most other projects, here’s the same data presented so the max data point of each graph is scaled to 100 (Figure 2). (Note: toggle the visibility of each data set by clicking on its entry in the legend.)
Who’s Contributing to What?
Istio continues to have a broad base of support from stakeholders both large and small, with Google not surprisingly the largest contributor (Figure 3). It’s a similar story for Envoy (Figure 4).
And, since Istio and Envoy are close companions, Figure 5 shows the sum of contributions to both projects.
Contributions from Individuals
Figures 6 and 7 show the top individual contributors for Istio and Envoy respectively.
Parting Thoughts
We hope you found this view on the data as interesting as we did—and don’t forget to check back here for the next installment.
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